Kaza Live la App contra las multas

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Number one best-selling radar detector

The latest database in the market
More than 10 years of experience
Warnings about all radar types, including the Pegasus Helicopter
LIVE Community comprised of thousands of active users

kaza Live Alert Flash & Beep
Avisador de Radares & Smartwatch Kaza LIVE Alert
Avisador de radares kaza DT 110
Avisador de radaares kaza DT 110 Live
Smartwatch kaza Live Alert y colgante
Antena detectora de radares Kaza DT 450 - MTR
Detector de radares de instalación Kaza TWIN LIVE MTR
Detector y avisador de radares Kaza DT 390 LIVE MTR

The mobile application that reports the presence of radars without affecting your phone’s performance.

This APP is 100% legal, and it is part of a large community of users who warn you in real time about the presence of: Mobile radars, fixed radars, section radars, traffic light radars, radars in tunnels, as well as the well-known "PEGASUS" helicopter.

mapa usuarios Kaza

Download the Kaza LIVE App for free. Available for Android and iOS in five languages

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Radar warning unit in Kaza LIVE community for Android & IPhone
Kaza LIVE. Navigator and radar warning unit
Kaza LIVE Presentation. Say goodbye to fines! Become part of the LIVE Community
Kaza LIVE Alert Smartwatch & Radar Warning Unit
Kaza LIVE Alert Smartwatch Radar Warning Unit. Motorcycle special
Kaza LIVE Alert Flash & Beep International Radar Warning Unit


The Kazadors are Kaza Live users, which report their observations to others in the event of traffic incidents.

Mobile radar warning

When a Kazador reports a mobile radar and you are heading towards the radar, the application will alert you with an audio and visual message.

Helicopter warning

When a Kazador makes a report, if you are driving in the surrounding area, the application issues a visual and acoustic warning of the helicopter’s presence.


Kaza Live is a fully customizable APP in terms of the reports received, e.g.: fine speed setting, enabling and disabling warnings, reporting distance to the radar, etc.

Kaza database

Our powerful, tested, and unique database (developed by KAZA during more than 10 years) is updated and downloaded automatically in real time. The driver knows in advance where road “problems” are taking place.


It has a function in MAP mode that lets you view and anticipate all disruptive points in your route, including events reported by the Community (blue) and those stored in the database (red). It also lets you know exactly where you’re located.

app contra las multa
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